Review : Aiken Tea Tree Oil

by - Sunday, February 28, 2016

Nobody, I mean nobody in this world, especially a teenage girl won't be terrified when an acne pops on their face especially on a very important date. For the past few months, my skin has been going through this phase of bad breakout where multiple pimples rise on my skin at once and God knows how insecure and terrible I felt. Lucky for me, I got this guy in hand. It has been a savior!

If you have read my blog before, you might have came across several posts where I mentioned how I love this stuff, but I never made a single post dedicated to it. I wonder why. So I got mine from Guardian for like less than RM10 during promotion. It is really inexpensive compared to Thursday Plantation's and The Body Shop's. 

If you don't know yet, tea tree oil is great for treating acne because it acts as antibacterial, antiseptic and anti fungal oil, so its gonna help fight all those nasty bacteria from your zits and heal them a lot faster. I personally think that tea tree oil helps to treat my acne a lot more gentle than using benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid creams. 

After four weeks I could say that my skin has cleared up a lot, and now I'm just focusing on treating the acne scars. Sometimes I just couldn't help not popping any of the pimples, so now I have to bear with the consequence of scarring issue. LOL. I just use a q-tip to apply the product directly onto the pimple. May I remind you though that this oil can be really drying on the eye areas, so avoid applying on the eye areas! I once got like a tiny zit on my eyelid and oh my god, it left me with a dry patch for weeks!

 I even made myself a DIY face mist using equal parts of tea tree oil and rosewater ( do tell if you want a post of how i did it ) that has been really helping to keep my acne at bay. I don't get any new pimples anymore aside from blackheads and whiteheads. My skincare regime has changed quite a lot too. More brightening products for these dark spots. Stay tuned for more skincare update!

Pros :

  • Inexpensive
  • A lot more gentle than any other acne creams
  • Absorbs fast into the skin
Cons :
  • It has a strong scent so some people may not like it, but I'm fine with it
  • Very drying on sensitive areas such as the eyes

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  1. Hi. Boleh tahu cmne cara buat diy face mist tu? Tq in advance! 😊😊

    1. Hi! just ambil empty spray bottle, letak rose water half bottle, and filtered or mineral water another half of the bottle. Then, add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil and you're done!

  2. Replies
    1. Function dia untuk heal acne, so kalau letak kat parut takda effect pun actually. Untuk parut, try vitamin e oil atau vitamin c serum
