DIY : Brightening, Anti Cellulite and Anti Stretch Marks Coffee Scrub

by - Sunday, December 27, 2015

Girls, don't worry if you have stretch marks or cellulite because you're not alone. In fact, actually 90% of women in this world will get stretch marks and cellulite during pregnancy or at any point of our lives.. It's just a way of living and is completely normal, even in skinny girls. But, that does not mean that we can't do anything about it. They are both very hard to get rid of, sometimes impossible. But it is good enough if we can at least fade the appearance. Laser treatments can be expensive, so why not just incorporate something beneficial in your shower routine that can overtime help to fade those marks?

Firstly I am going to talk about the benefits of each ingredients that will be used in this scrub.We all know that coffee is packed with caffeine which is very beneficial for the skin. Caffeine helps to improve blood circulation, making it one of the best scrub ingredients. It also helps to tighten the skin, thus reducing cellulite and stretch marks. So that is why i am using coffee as the key ingredient for this scrub! 

Olive oil is used for its incredible moisturizing benefits. The liquid gold is also rich in antioxidant so its gonna help to protect the skin from premature aging. And it will also help the coffee grounds to further exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells and promote new cell growth. Lemon on the other hand is rich in vitamin C so its going to really help in brighten the skin, and fading any scars that you may have on your body. Now let's make the scrub!

What you'll need : 

1. Coffee grounds
2. Extra virgin olive oil
3. Lemon juice
4. An empty container and a spoon to mix everything

Steps :

1. Mix coffee grounds and olive oil in the ration of 2:1. I am using a cup of coffee grounds and a half cup of olive oil

2. Add about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into the mixture. ( Optional )

3. Mix everything well until you get this kind of sandy texture. If it is too runny, add more coffee grounds and if it is too dry, add more oil or lemon juice. You really don't have to strictly follow my measurements. Just eye on it!

And wallah! There you have it, your own homemade body scrub. I swear this is my favorite body scrub, no matter how many body scrub are there in the market, I still trust my own kitchen ingredients for its amazing effect. Right after using this scrub your body will feel incredibly soft, and visibly brighter. The olive oil also helps to make your skin glow. And your body will smell so fresh due to the coffee and lemon. It is also great to use this before performing wax to first get rid of any dead skin cells. Feel free to ask any questions below and tell me what do you think of it if you do try this !

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